Clocks, Staircases, and Curious Letters

As a youngster, I learned many things from Nancy Drew that were not written on the pages of her books. I learned that Nancy was the kind of girl I would like to be.  Nancy was a magnet who attracted mysteries. To anyone else, clocks were clocks, staircases were just what they seemed; but, not […]

A Nifty Fifties Lady

A Nifty Fifties Lady

  I wrote this a few years back. Believe it or not, the Fifties Lady is still on my ‘frig. This picture is on the wall of my refrigerator. It is an inspiration. I mean, just look at this woman. She is decidedly straight from the 1950s, no doubt about it. Look at those pink […]

Poem — Secrets

Poem — Secrets

Darkness Before Dawn

Darkness Before Dawn

Do you ever wake in the darkness before dawn and lie in bed, just thinking? Those hours waiting for sunrise have been written about by many people. It’s in those moments that thoughts, both good and bad, come creeping. Things that we suppress during the day find this is a good time to keep us […]

Memories, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Memories, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

  Yesterday, I cleaned out a room in my house, throwing away things I’ve stuck back and have no use for. Why can’t we do that with our memories? Why can’t we just go through and discard what we don’t want and hang onto those that are priceless and dear? Why is that so very […]

It Used to be Just Older Folk

It Used to be Just Older Folk

As I re-read this post from a few years back, I decided it still applied to today! A dear friend sent an email in which she mentioned her son having a birthday. She said, “It used to be just older folk who had children that age.” As my son had a birthday this week too, […]