Conclusion of The Christmas Barn

The cold wind blew their leaves away. The three friends shivered and wished for day. “We can’t just do nothing,” the raccoon said. “Come on, squirrel and chipmunk. Let’s go  a bit farther. Maybe we’ll find food.”      Sighing, the squirrel straightened up and took Chipmunk’s hand. On they went, through the cold night. They […]

The Key

Remember the mysterious little key I found the other day? No one knows what it may have unlocked, more than a hundred years ago, but guess what? It unlocked another cozy mystery. However, as my Cozy Critiquers will tell you, it’s sometimes hard for me to get the beginning of a mystery just right. This […]

A Nifty Fifties Lady

A Nifty Fifties Lady

  I wrote this a few years back. Believe it or not, the Fifties Lady is still on my ‘frig. This picture is on the wall of my refrigerator. It is an inspiration. I mean, just look at this woman. She is decidedly straight from the 1950s, no doubt about it. Look at those pink […]