The Furtive, Mysterious, Weird Life of a Mystery Author

The Furtive, Mysterious, Weird Life of a Mystery Author

Many of you will remember seeing old western movies with store buildings that had false fronts, making them appear much larger than they were. Let me tell you that people have false fronts too, sometimes without even being aware that they have them. For example, how many of you may be a secret cozy mystery […]

My Backyard in Winter

My Backyard in Winter

My backyard in winter is not at all the same as it is in spring or summer, but it is far from being a barren, empty place. First, there are the winter birds. They know when sunflower seeds are in the feeder and they flock to snatch some of the oil-rich food before it is […]

The Mysterious Actions of Nemo

The Mysterious Actions of Nemo

A dove saunters through the grass, picking here, pecking there, finding tiny particles of interest. A brown thrasher flies down, all business, finds something, pecks, flies off with it. The birds are busy but much quieter now. They all have babies to feed and are about the serious task of building families.     I […]

Arguing with a Mysterious Voice

Arguing with a Mysterious Voice

…Well, the voice isn’t really mysterious, but what she’s saying may be thought to be–at least, it is supposed to fit into a cozy mystery and that makes it mysterious, doesn’t it? And, no one else can hear her except me but don’t think I’ve gone round the bend because hearing her is a good […]

A Mysterious Stranger

A Mysterious Stranger

Chapter Sixteen      The Carnegie Library, a single story, red brick structure with white trim stood proudly at attention commanding a view of the old courthouse just as I remembered. As I went up the wide, stone steps, a light snow began to fall. Shivering, I tucked my jacket closer around me. Heavy, double doors […]

There’s Nothing Mysterious About It!

There’s Nothing Mysterious About It!

Here is a puzzle that’s easy to solve; in fact, there’s nothing mysterious about it. What event will come around in 45 more days? It arrives every year, same time. Christmas is just around the corner and I haven’t started my shopping! Have you? How about a book as a gift? Would you like to […]