There’s Nothing Mysterious About It!

There’s Nothing Mysterious About It!

Here is a puzzle that’s easy to solve; in fact, there’s nothing mysterious about it. What event will come around in 45 more days? It arrives every year, same time. Christmas is just around the corner and I haven’t started my shopping! Have you? How about a book as a gift? Would you like to […]

Mean, Dirty, Old Low-Down Blues

Mean, Dirty, Old Low-Down Blues

This is supposed to be the jolliest time of the year, isn’t it? Thanksgiving is nearly here and right on its heels comes Christmas. Ho-ho-ho! Bright lights, fluffy snow, family and friends gathering in, gifts, food, laughter and conversation. It’s the happiest time of the year; only, sometimes it’s not. Psychologists say that holidays are the […]