Character Conversation

I talk to the characters in my books. They have personalities and minds of their own. Sometimes, it’s a struggle to decide which would fit best in the story I’m writing–my thoughts or my character’s. Usually, my character is right. Me: Ned, I don’t believe you would go off hunting for an Indian message tree […]

Listening In on Mr. and Mrs. Claus

Listening In on Mr. and Mrs. Claus

Mrs. Claus: Are you feeling better, Dear? How about a nice, hot cup of coffee? Santa (throwing back the quilts and rolling out of bed): Just what I need. The trip was hard this year. Mrs. Claus: Did the reindeer behave? Was the sleigh over-loaded? Did you face a head-wind? Santa: Yes, no, and no. […]

Livening Up Lunch

Livening Up Lunch

    When Nancy, Jane, and I got together for lunch yesterday, it had to be a lively time. And, it was. We decided to meet at one of our favorite restaurants. The food was good, the service was lovely, and the conversation was sprightly. It was helped along by a bandaid on my thumb […]

Conversation With an Invisible Friend

Conversation With an Invisible Friend

  I saw a cartoon on Facebook something to the effect of authors talking to the characters in their books. Of course we do! I just hope nobody hears me sitting at my computer holding a conversation with an invisible person who speaks with a voice that is inaudible to everyone but me. Me: Ned, I don’t believe […]

More Than a Coal of Fire

More Than a Coal of Fire

“What did you come for, a coal of fire?” my dad used to ask if I breezed in and out of my parents’ home for just a short visit. What he meant was, he wished I’d sit down and talk for a bit. Once, long ago, people would borrow coals of fire to get their […]

Arguing with a Mysterious Voice

Arguing with a Mysterious Voice

…Well, the voice isn’t really mysterious, but what she’s saying may be thought to be–at least, it is supposed to fit into a cozy mystery and that makes it mysterious, doesn’t it? And, no one else can hear her except me but don’t think I’ve gone round the bend because hearing her is a good […]