A Gold Mine of Information

Ned McNeil wanted to know about Marvie and she found the person who was a gold mine of information! Excerpt from Murder By Moonlight. It was one thing to say I wasn’t interested, but it was another to actually mean it. All that trouble at the deserted farm had happened a long time ago. Mrs. […]

A Downhill Flight

A Downhill Flight

Something wet dripped onto my face. Very annoying. Did Mom know her roof leaked? Dad would never have allowed such a thing. My bed must be under a hole in the roof. Strangely, someone somewhere, was groaning. Pain twisted my mid section. Slowly, I raised my heavy hands and felt the seat belt stretched tightly […]

Stop While You’re Ahead

Stop While You’re Ahead

Stop while you’re ahead. I used to hear this phrase a lot; not so much nowadays. It means to cut it out, stop doing or saying whatever. It’s useful in a lot of circumstances, but certainly in speaking or writing. One of the hardest things a writer has to do is delete those unnecessary words […]

That Was a Long Time Ago!

That Was a Long Time Ago!

    Yesterday was a this and that sort of day. My grandson asked me to make fudge, so I did–the old-fashioned kind that’s fun to do, the chocolatey concoction bubbling on the stove and filling the kitchen with a delicious aroma. But, before that…in fact, on Friday, I went to my favorite antique store […]