An Old Feud and Tragedy

“It’s not as if I’m in any sort of danger,” I told Ulysses, the next day after the fire. “I’m not out trying to find a guilty party or anything. The crime that happened fifty years ago at the Saunders house has already been investigated. But, I admit I’m curious about the Saunders and Newton […]

A Clue in the Wallpaper

“You know,” I said, “I was looking again at Marvie Saunder’s book.”             “No, Ned,” Pat interrupted. “Remember, you’ve given that up. You’re going to let Cade and Gerald handle whatever is going on about that house. You are fixating on that book of poetry so, stop it!”             Stung, I said, “What a thing […]

What Can a Storm Blow Up?

My first chapter of my work-in-progress: Chapter One Miss Tootsie’s nose twitched. Something was in the air besides the smell of spring flowers and the musky scent of last night’s rain. The sun struggled against incoming dark clouds, and the morning felt too warm; muggy, she called it. Not a breeze stirred. Other than those […]

A Downhill Flight

A Downhill Flight

Something wet dripped onto my face. Very annoying. Did Mom know her roof leaked? Dad would never have allowed such a thing. My bed must be under a hole in the roof. Strangely, someone somewhere, was groaning. Pain twisted my mid section. Slowly, I raised my heavy hands and felt the seat belt stretched tightly […]

Murder By Moonlight

Murder By Moonlight

Sitting and waiting for my flashlight batteries to die was not an option. No one knew where I was, but at least I was alive. I had to try to escape on my own and going back the way I came in wouldn’t work. If this was  a tunnel instead of a room, there had […]

The Key–Chapter Five

The Key–Chapter Five

Chris took a sip of coffee. “That’s good,” she said. “You make the best coffee, Val.” I smiled. “Thanks, but what do you make of it? Why on earth would my cousins do such a thing? It’s beyond me.” Chris lifted Miss Kitty onto her lap and frowned. “It’s a puzzle. Do you think these […]