A Gold Mine of Information

Ned McNeil wanted to know about Marvie and she found the person who was a gold mine of information! Excerpt from Murder By Moonlight. It was one thing to say I wasn’t interested, but it was another to actually mean it. All that trouble at the deserted farm had happened a long time ago. Mrs. […]

A Clue in the Wallpaper

“You know,” I said, “I was looking again at Marvie Saunder’s book.”             “No, Ned,” Pat interrupted. “Remember, you’ve given that up. You’re going to let Cade and Gerald handle whatever is going on about that house. You are fixating on that book of poetry so, stop it!”             Stung, I said, “What a thing […]

A Clue in a Book

A Clue in a Book

“You know,” I said, “I was looking again at Marvie Saunder’s book.”             “No, Ned,” Pat interrupted. “Remember, you’ve given that up. You’re going to let Cade and Gerald handle whatever is going on about that house. You are fixating on that book of poetry so, stop it!”             Stung, I said, “What a thing […]

Gregg and Me

Let’s just suppose you are out for a walk, the fog of early morning swirling around you.  Pain shoots through your foot as you stump your toe. Looking down, you see something whiter than the fog sticking out from under a rock. It’s a damp, limp piece of paper. Intrigued, you pick it up and […]

On the Trail

On the Trail

  Nemo’s wonderful nose tells him many things. When, on his leash, he and I make a trip to the mailbox, the first thing he does is put his nose to the ground. He is like a metal detector, going here and there, sniffing. All those scents tell him who has been in the yard […]

Shadowy, Significant Clues

Shadowy, Significant Clues

We all like to find them, don’t we? It’s sort of an aha! moment to run across something significant when reading a mystery. But, beware. Sometimes what looks like a clue isn’t a clue. It’s merely a red herring that a sly and devious author has dragged across the path, to turn you in another […]