An Empty House

The rain stopped and I turned off my windshield wipers. About halfway to Myra’s home, I realized no one in the whole world knew where I was and that was not a good thing. I speed-dialed Cade but got no answer, only his voice mail. Leaving a message, I told him where I’d be. Hopefully, […]

What Lay in the Murky Bog?

What Lay in the Murky Bog?

Mallory sank down on a rock, trying to catch her breath. The night was so dark she couldn’t see a foot in front of her. Wispy tendrils of fog, like bony, white fingers curled around leaning headstones . Far, far below her, the Irish Sea pounded relentlessly against the coast. She had no idea where […]

An Open Book?

An Open Book?

Sometimes, I think of life as a story that’s being told. Parts of it might be exciting, parts of it, sad. Parts of fun and parts are painful. Life is not all one thing. Mysteries, tragedies, humor, romance, adventure, and just day-to-day living are all a part of this life story. I don’t think it’s […]

Blessed Be

Blessed Be

For Writers: Blessed be the tongues of writers, never running out of a wellspring of words.  Blessed be our thoughts, that they be open to inspiration and divine guidance and also our fingers, to translate those thoughts into words. Blessed be our computers–may they never fail us, may bad reviews never assail us; blessed be […]

Murder By Moonlight

Murder By Moonlight

Have you read the newest Ned McNeil cozy mystery? Murder by Moonlight is available on Here’s an excerpt: Had hours passed since I realized I was trapped? It felt like a century. Exhausted, I realized that beating on the wall and yelling wasn’t going to help. I was in a cocoon of earth and […]

Conclusion, Shadow on a Rock

It took a week before Jase Marshall was able to appear before the court. Miss Georgia was all a-tremble as she, Jenny, Tommy, and James Stone arrived in the packed courtroom. Lathe met the little group at the door and escorted them up to a front seat. Jase sat in a hard-backed chair turned to […]