What Lay in the Murky Bog?

What Lay in the Murky Bog?

Mallory sank down on a rock, trying to catch her breath. The night was so dark she couldn’t see a foot in front of her. Wispy tendrils of fog, like bony, white fingers curled around leaning headstones . Far, far below her, the Irish Sea pounded relentlessly against the coast. She had no idea where […]

Chills and Shivers

This is only a flight of my wild fancy and didn’t happen at all. Darkness closed in early, drawing around the house like a curtain. Trees, bright with leaves of gold and crimson, nodded their heads, agreeing that when morning came around, much of their fall finery would cover the ground in a many-colored carpet. […]

If Wishes Were Horses

“You know,” I said, “I was looking again at Marvie Saunder’s book.”             “No, Ned,” Pat interrupted. “Remember, you’ve given that up. You’re going to let Cade and Gerald handle whatever is going on about that house. You are fixating on that book of poetry so, stop it!”             Stung, I said, “What a thing […]

A Voice From the Darkness

A Voice From the Darkness

At last, the turn-off to the house came in sight. I yanked the steering wheel. The car slid, then righted itself. Braking at the end of the drive, I leaned my head on the wheel, breathed a prayer, and tried to think of what to do next.  I pushed my purse under the front seat […]

Natural Phenomenon and Mysteries

Natural Phenomenon and Mysteries

  Does weather affect life? Indeed, it does. Flights are cancelled, trips are re-scheduled, schools are closed, plans are completely re-arranged, all because of the weather or the threat of bad weather, or earthquakes. (As a side note, last night, I saw part of an old movie about an imaginary earthquake shaking New York City. […]

A Shadowy Shape in the Moonlight

A Shadowy Shape in the Moonlight

  The noise jarred my eyes open. I gasped and sat up. The luminous dial on my bedside clock told me it was two in the morning.      “Penny?” I muttered. “Did you knock something off a table?”      But the little cat was not on the foot of my bed. As I listened, heart […]