Shadows on the Wall

Shadows on the Wall

Yesterday afternoon was a lazy afternoon at home. At loose ends after church and dinner with the family, I wandered into the front room and my old stand-by, the piano. It’s a friend I’ve turned to for many years. Digging some well-liked music from my piano bench, I sat down and played. Tunes have always […]

The Long Fingers of Midnight Shadows and a Raven

The Long Fingers of Midnight Shadows and a Raven

“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.” – Edgar Allan Poe.  Poe published this unforgettable poem on this day in 1845. […]

And the Fog Settled Gently All Around

And the Fog Settled Gently All Around

As soft as a whisper, as silent as a shadow, fog sifts through starkly bare trees and shutters the town in a damp grayness. Perspective changes; familiar things become alien. Across the street, something moves. A cat shadow creeps from behind a tree and moves with focused intensity across the lawn. What mission is she […]

Out of the Shadows Into the Light

Out of the Shadows Into the Light

It’s strange–the things which have no physical substance but which affect our lives. No one would doubt that shadows exist. When the sun shines on an object, that object casts a shadow. We can’t pick up the shadow or smell it or hear it, yet it is there. When I was a very small girl, […]

What Is Creeping Through the Shadows?

What Is Creeping Through the Shadows?

Something is creeping through the shadows and peering around the corners. There’s a scratching at the window. Is it only a swaying tree branch brushed by a wayward wind? Or, is it something more sinister? Are your doors locked? Is the fireplace flickering? Do you have a good supply of hot chocolate and cozy mysteries […]

Shadows Lurking in the Fog

Shadows Lurking in the Fog

Out of these twenty days of December, two have been sunny. Guess what we have lurking around the corners of the house this morning, settling down over treetops, seeping into autumn’s leaves? Gray, wet, cold, impenetrable fog! Yet again. Where is the sun? Is it still up there? Even Rudolph’s red nose would need several […]