Tom the Terrible

Tough Tom the Barn Cat             Tough Tom was a barn cat. He really didn’t start out to be a barn cat. And, the Day family who lived on the farm didn’t think they needed a cat, but there he was. It all began on a cold, windy, sleety winter day. When Chris went to […]

Jethro Picks Up the Pen

Darcy and Flora don’t know this about me: even though I’m a cat, I don’t think of myself as such. I am a member of the Campbell/Tucker family and watching over them is my life’s objective. There’re a couple more things they haven’t yet surmised: I like cheese and I keep a hidden journal. The […]

Summer Cat

Lazy Summer by Blanche Manos Slumber softly, summer cat,  Dozing in the sunbeams, Needing neither rhyme nor reason To be one with the season, Tawny, yawny, warm and mellow, Sun-drenched days and cat of yellow, Loving lazy daydreams.

The Cat Who Helped Make History

This is Flag Day. In honor of that, I reprint my story about Tempest, the cat who helped make history.   Star Spangled Cat By Blanche Day Manos “What?” I screeched. “Go to sea? Are you crazy?” Every one of my gray and white hairs stood straight up. Reggie laughed. “You look like a bottle […]

The Mysterious Stranger

The Mysterious Stranger

He moves on four white, silent feet along my neighbor’s sidewalk, this quiet, watchful newcomer. He sits on the porch a while, thinking about things. Where did he come from? Where is he going? Is he just out for a morning stroll or is he on a mission? Cats are secret, mysterious creatures. They keep their […]

A Grim Discovery

“Clara!” she screamed, beating on the wall. “Clara! Get us out of here. Hurry!” She pounded on the wall with both fists, her phone on the floor at her feet. Maybelle crowded close beside her, adding her howls to the racket. At last, spent and breathless, Agnes sank down beside her dog and cat. Clara’s […]