Jethro Picks Up the Pen

Darcy and Flora don’t know this about me: even though I’m a cat, I don’t think of myself as such. I am a member of the Campbell/Tucker family and watching over them is my life’s objective. There’re a couple more things they haven’t yet surmised: I like cheese and I keep a hidden journal. The […]

Where Did That Come From?

The afternoon was dampish, but it was time to fill the bird baths, so Nemo and I opened the back door. As we stepped out on the deck, I noticed the wind had picked up, bringing with it a sprinkling of rain. “Hmm. Maybe we should wait a while,” I told my pup. Before we […]

June Bugs and Fireflies

June Bugs and Fireflies

Are you a June Bug? If you’re one of those lucky people born this month, you’ve got a lot of good things going for you. First, there’s your birthstone–you have two of them! The pearl and the Alexandrite are yours. Flowers? Also two–the rose and the honeysuckle. So, you’re bright and shiny, have infinite value, […]

A Mystery and Your Big Toe

A Mystery and Your Big Toe

Does your big toe ache when a storm is approaching? Does your cat lick its paws excessively? Does your dog pace the floor and stick close by your side? Do you feel the urge to lose yourself in a cozy mystery?   For some strange and unknown reason, mysteries and weather somehow go together. For example, […]

Has Spring Sprung?

Has Spring Sprung?

Happy first day of Spring! Sometime in the late afternoon, winter will pack its bags and creep out the back door while spring bustles in the front. Here in NW Arkansas, winter is hanging on. It’s cold this morning! Known as the vernal equinox, this is the time day and night are most nearly equal. […]

A Little of Everything

A Little of Everything

Yesterday was sunny and warm. The Boston fern went onto the front porch to enjoy the sunshine. But, after hearing what the weather would be today, I brought it in before sunset. Then, last night, Nemo and I woke up to thunder and something that sounded suspiciously like hail. We had some wind and hard […]