Has Spring Sprung?

Has Spring Sprung?

Happy first day of Spring! Sometime in the late afternoon, winter will pack its bags and creep out the back door while spring bustles in the front. Here in NW Arkansas, winter is hanging on. It’s cold this morning!

Known as the vernal equinox, this is the time day and night are most nearly equal. If it’s true to tradition, there’ll be a thunderstorm some time around this date. Is that because nature has a tough time shifting its seasonal gears and we hear the grumbling?

The trees and grass are greening and birds are building nests–all sure signs of spring. It’s that time of year to consider planting and cleaning up the yard after a long, cold winter. I’m thinking about flowers and seeds. So begins a yearly battle with the squirrels. I plant, they did up. We’ll see who’s the winner this year.




  1. Well, that got me. I thought the first day of spring was March 21 st. It seems that they have changed that too. Is nothing sacred? Lol. I usually have plants in my greenhouse by now, but I have nothing so far. I have been too busy. “Maybe next year,” is getting to be an annual story. 😉

    • It slipped up on me too, Linda. I think it has to do with the rotation of the earth, and a lot of scientific stuff I don’t understand!! Thanks for writing.

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