Winter Creatures




Trees, grass, all are frozen this morning. This is treacherous ice, silent and invisible. But, it’s there. Roads are coated and schools are closed. There is no walking or driving on it. Try it and one misstep and it’s a sudden meeting with the ground. The only living things stirring are squirrels and birds, picking […]

Whatever the Weather

Remember the children’s story about the sun and the cold wind and the bet they had? An old man was trudging down the road in the wintertime and the wind, boisterous and braggy, bet the sun that he could blow the old man’s coat off whereas the sun didn’t have that power. So, he blew […]

A Tip From a Cat

A Tip From a Cat

Storms and rain hold a prominent place in my cozy mysteries, and, if it’s not rain, it’s snow! I love weather and the only way I can have the kind of weather I love best is to write it into my books. So, I do.  Cats and rain and mysteries seem to go together very […]



We are in a weather advisory area. A winter storm may be impending. Will we have snow? How much? It’s one of those forecasts that aren’t hard and fast, but wintry weather is a distinct possibility. Weather is like that–hard to pin it down to absolutes. However, pigs know. Before a cold spell, they’ll start […]


Yesterday, I looked at my yard, leaf-cluttered and a bit dejected. Flowers had bloomed, pumpkins had sat, now things needed to be readied for a new season. The summer things had earned a well-deserved snooze in garage and storage building. So, I set to work. When I’d finished, lawn ornaments were stashed, empty flower pots […]