

The wind rearranged my back yard last night. Limbs that were on the trees at 4:30 were on the ground at 5:00. It was mostly maple limbs and mulberry limb. The huge, strong oak limbs held fast although they did an awfully lot of swaying. The storm came up suddenly. Lightning played across the sky […]

Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday Thoughts

Good morning. The Folger’s coffee is good and hot; the sun is shining and this looks to be a beautiful spring day. Then, tomorrow, more spring storms. But, all this rain is good for plants. Even my maple and oak trees are putting out tiny leaves and tendrils. I love the fresh, clean color of […]

Winter Woods

Winter Woods

Wintertime trees are honest trees, stark and bare, their dark branches rising in graceful shapes. Nothing is hidden, all is in plain sight. There’s something bracing about walking through winter woods with the limbs of wild blackberries reaching out to snag the passerby and soft moss carpeting the rocks.  A chill breeze blows away cobwebs […]

A Carpet of Gold

A Carpet of Gold

A carpet of gold stretches across my front lawn and the maple has lost its glory. The last few days, the wind has done its part in whisking leaves from trees and spreading them on the ground. The white mulberry  hangs onto its leaves and they are mostly still green. It is a different sort […]

Marking the Seasons

Marking the Seasons

The maple tree in my front yard is turning colors. The green in the leaves grows lighter to be replaced by yellow. The result is a tree that glows when the sun reflects off the leaves. In the back yard, the seasons are marked by the kind of leaves littering my deck and tracked onto […]

The Sentinel

The oak tree is a sentinel, keeping watch over houses and people spread out below it. The tree has seen many changes. The busy street alongside it was once a dirt track. A farm wagon, a horse and buggy or a rider on horseback occasionally went by. Many other trees surrounded the oak in those […]