

The wind rearranged my back yard last night. Limbs that were on the trees at 4:30 were on the ground at 5:00. It was mostly maple limbs and mulberry limb. The huge, strong oak limbs held fast although they did an awfully lot of swaying.

The storm came up suddenly. Lightning played across the sky and thunder bounced around after it. The wind came up quickly too. I watched from the back door as part of the maple landed against the deck. When the storm blew on through, my yard was the scene of havoc and my rain gauge measured an inch and a quarter in less than an hour.

Neighbors all around lost large limbs. I’m sure squirrels’ nest and birds’ nests were blown about. Maybe the rabbits under my storage shed are safe. If any squirrels were sheltering in a limb that went flying, well–they had a wild ride.

Things change quickly, don’t they? And, we never know from what direction nor when. I’m grateful that it was not worse right here, at least.


  1. Yes. Weather and life circumstances must be siblings.

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