Sign of Fall

Migration High up in the sky last night, A promise winged its wedge-shaped flight; A promise of the seasons changing, Of nature’s landscape rearranging. Flying in a V formation, Looking for a new location, Wild geese flew through moonlit spaces Going to their winter places.

A Carpet of Gold

A Carpet of Gold

A carpet of gold stretches across my front lawn and the maple has lost its glory. The last few days, the wind has done its part in whisking leaves from trees and spreading them on the ground. The white mulberry  hangs onto its leaves and they are mostly still green. It is a different sort […]


Have you seen or heard any wild geese flying over? They’re a pretty good sign of changing weather. Spring and fall, those geese fly to their new locations, giving us a warning that another season is upon us. Migration High up in the sky last night, A promise winged its wedge-shaped flight; A promise of […]