A Small, Gray Cat

This morning, a small gray cat is slipping quietly through my thoughts. I think of her often, D. C., the cat who was with us the longest. She was actually my son’s cat, but she and I understood each other. She could look at me and communicate that she would like a bite of food, […]

And, On That Note

Yesterday, I talked about words, their power, and the way we use them. On that note, I’d like to give my view of how these words many times are used to divide and infiltrate, to promote dissention and hatred.  Books, movies, news stories that concentrate on past wrongs, evils, shameful laws are supposed to be […]

Sunset Thoughts

Sunset Thoughts

Ambling through my yard just after sunset, I heard a tree frog, a spring peeper,  but I never did see him. These interesting little creatures have big voices. They also employ the subtle art of camouflage, so it’s hard to ever see one. Their feet acting as suction cups, they  stick onto tree bark, houses, […]

Summer Nights

Summer Nights

There’s a mystery about the soft, summer night, just after the sun goes down, before full darkness tiptoes through. Leaves stir with a passing breeze and flowers lift their heads to feel one last ray of the sun’s warmth.  The rabbit who lives under my storage building gives last minute instructions to her nest of […]

Splintered Thoughts

Splintered Thoughts

Do you ever experience a certain tune running through your head and it not only runs through, but it stops and stays a while? I do, quite often. Music has always been a big part of my life and it continues to be, from way, way back to earliest memories. I’ve always thought that what […]



There seems to be a let-down feeling after a holiday, at least, that’s the way it seems to me. This morning is chilly, temp in low forties, and Easter has come and gone. The trees, however, wear gowns of light green, grass is green, and birds are busy. So, no matter the feeling, spring is […]