The Important Past of an Ill-Fated Character

The Important Past of an Ill-Fated Character

  Characters–the people within the pages of a story. They move the storyline along–the good ones, the bad ones, and those we never see. What? Those we never see? Yes. Take, for instance, Ben Ventris in The Cemetery Club. Without Ben, there would have been no story, no mystery, no reason for the book. But, […]

An Altared Murder Case

An Altared Murder Case

For a couple of years, the Cozy Critters (my critique group) and I have talked about a cozy mystery where they are the principal players. So, I’ve finally gotten around to starting one. It’s just for fun; I don’t intend to send it to a publisher. And, I’ve narrowed the group of friends in this […]

Listening In on Mr. and Mrs. Claus

Listening In on Mr. and Mrs. Claus

Mrs. Claus: Are you feeling better, Dear? How about a nice, hot cup of coffee? Santa (throwing back the quilts and rolling out of bed): Just what I need. The trip was hard this year. Mrs. Claus: Did the reindeer behave? Was the sleigh over-loaded? Did you face a head-wind? Santa: Yes, no, and no. […]

The Amazing Conclusion of Buz’s Story

The Amazing Conclusion of Buz’s Story

  Slipping from bush to rock, Buz followed the shepherds. Every once in a while, the shepherds paused and pointed to the sky. At last, they stopped in front of a stable in Bethlehem. They spoke and someone  inside the stable answered. Then, the shepherds slowly stepped inside. Did Buz dare get closer to these […]

Buz and the Wonderful Star

Buz and the Wonderful Star

  A few years ago, I wrote a children’s imaginary tale about a fox and his trip to a manger in Bethlehem. I post it every year before Christmas. So, it’s that time again; the first part today, the conclusion tomorrow. I hope you and the child in your life enjoy it. Buz the Fox […]

In the Misty Moonlight

In the Misty Moonlight

  This morning, I woke up with the old song, In the Misty Moonlight running through my head. If you don’t remember it or would like to hear it again, please click the link. There are several  versions but this one is by one of my all-time favorite singers, Jim Reeves. So, why was I […]