Do You Dare?

Do You Dare?

Ned had been thrilled to think Evangeline Carver, the grand dame of the county, would call her to take pictures of the fabulous Carver mansion. She would get a chance to see inside that historic landmark and she’d get to talk to Evangeline herself. Truthfully, Ned may have been just a bit star struck. However, […]

As Onward We Go

As Onward We Go

The temperature is shivering around twenty-four degrees and guess what? That’s the high! The low will be somewhere around fourteen tonight. There’s also the possibility of snow. That’s the way it is here in NWArkansas. The weather is an interesting, iffy thing. Never count on it staying one way or the other. It must be […]

The Menace in the Middle

The Menace in the Middle

Do the first lines of a new book tell you whether you want to read the whole thing? First lines are important. So are final lines, but how about the middle? The middle of a mystery is important too. These are middle lines from my seven cozy mysteries.  Can you identify the book each is […]

An Old-Time Easter

The following story is an excerpt from The Heritage of Etta Bend. It’s a story my mother told me, an old-time Easter, about her childhood in northeast Oklahoma. The “I” is my mother, Susie Latty Day. I thought it was appropriate for this Easter,  more than 100 years after it happened. Mom told me this […]

The Fog

The Fog

Yesterday, I wrote practically all day, taking time out only for a trip to the dentist. But, that was okay because I had inhaled laughing gas and was feeling fine. Here’s an excerpt of yesterday’s efforts from my work-in-progress, Murder By Moonlight: A line of low, purple clouds lay along the horizon in the direction […]

A Stranger in the Storm

A Stranger in the Storm

Grave Heritage Chapter 1 I awoke sitting straight up in bed, my heart doing double time. Was it rain pounding against my bedroom windows or the wind roaring around the house that had awakened me? Jethro, his feline apprehension alerted by my sudden movement, jumped from my bed and darted from the room. Straining to […]