Elementally Being

When I went on the deck earlier, the sky was cloudy, the morning was humid, but, no rain. After going back into the house, I heard it start–the first raindrops. Immediately, problems receded, troubles hid their faces, and for a few moments, I simply relished the sound, the scent, the feel of raindrops. The rain […]

Racing Through the Raindrops

Racing Through the Raindrops

Raindrops were falling on a lot of people’s heads yesterday if they were out in it. I was, but I was in the protection of my trusty car. Sometimes rain is fun to drive in and the only time I uncover the sun roof in the top of the car is when it rains. (I […]

When Blessings Fall Like Raindrops

When Blessings Fall Like Raindrops

Rain is dropping from dark morning skies and tucking away the fall flowers under a blanket of leaves. Blessings fall like raindrops. So many things for which to be thankful. Now, cooler weather will follow, the weatherman says. It’s interesting that each season is slow to let go, as if delaying saying good-bye for another […]