And Then Came the Reward

And Then Came the Reward

Work is often its own reward. A person can lose herself in work and troubles all just disappear, or at least, grow smaller. Yesterday was a day perfect for losing troubles and worries. It was a day to be glad just to be alive. Neither hot nor cold, but somewhere in a comfortable in between, […]

Groggily Blundering into Friday

Groggily Blundering into Friday

This is Friday, isn’t it? Last night was one of those nights when sleep wouldn’t come and when at last it did, I over-slept and now I’m groggy and sort of blundering from computer to kitchen for coffee and hoping this hot, dark elixir jump starts the day. Does anyone know the feeling? Why is […]

The Long, Hot Summer Night

The Long, Hot Summer Night

It was the kind of night when squirrels jump from branch to branch just to feel the breeze, when fireflies dutifully light up a few times then crawl under a cool rock. This mystery writer turned on her borrowed box fan (thanks, Dawn) and, knowing it was useless to try writing, attempted to forget the […]

A Noise in the Middle of the Night

A Noise in the Middle of the Night

The noise jarred my eyes open. I gasped and sat up. The luminous dial on my bedside clock told me it was two in the morning.      “Penny?” I muttered. “Did you knock something off a table?”      But the little cat was not on the foot of my bed. As I listened, heart pounding, […]

A Stranger in the Night

A Stranger in the Night

Grave Heritage Chapter 1 I awoke sitting straight up in bed, my heart doing double time. Was it rain pounding against my bedroom windows or the wind roaring around the house that had awakened me? Jethro, his feline apprehension alerted by my sudden movement, jumped from my bed and darted from the room. Straining to […]

Lightnin’ Bugs

They come every year about this time, those tiny little flashes of light in the summer night. Some people call them fireflies but I’ve always called them lightnin’ bugs. They don’t much resemble a fly and I wouldn’t say their glow is like a fire but it sure does light up the darkness. Wikipedia says […]