Groggily Blundering into Friday

Groggily Blundering into Friday

This is Friday, isn’t it? Last night was one of those nights when sleep wouldn’t come and when at last it did, I over-slept and now I’m groggy and sort of blundering from computer to kitchen for coffee and hoping this hot, dark elixir jump starts the day. Does anyone know the feeling? Why is it that all the worries and concerns and things I’ve done and not done, things others have done and not done, things I’m hoping to do, all the what-ifs and everything else negative in this world come trooping through my head at the most inopportune time? Namely, when I should be sleeping.

And, I’ve got a lot to do today. Grocery shopping, writing, making a dental appointment, writing, cleaning house, writing. Did I mention writing? A great Oklahoma thunderstorm with the possibility of a tornado is bearing down on Ned and where is she going to go to hide? I don’t think Uncle Javin’s house has a cellar. Ah! But, it does have a basement. It’s a kind of dark, old, spooky basement but at least it’s below ground.

Maybe Mr. Nobody came along and snatched my sleep last night. When my grandchildren were small, we were sure a Mr. Nobody lived in the house with us. Who hid that toy we couldn’t find? Who spilled the cereal? Who left the room in a mess? They didn’t; I didn’t, so it must have been Mr. Nobody. He lived here for a long time but after they grew up, I thought he had left. Maybe not. Maybe he’s still around, hiding things like sound sleep, remembered appointments, friends’ birthdays and the joy I should feel in each moment.

A good, positive thing to tell you about this morning. If anything should banish the fuzziness and dead-headedness, it’s this: Amazon has added an author profile that lists authors’ audio books. I was really pleased with how my page looks. If you’d like to take a peek, just click on

The sun is shining; the weekend is upon us, and we are one day nearer to spring. Flowers are blooming, birds are building nests and squirrels have their mind on romance. They are climbing to the tiptop parts of trees, picking out good nesting branches, and gazing amorously into each other’s eyes. All this is enough to scatter any left-over fuzziness from a groggy night, don’t you think? I hope your day goes swimmingly and if you forget something or mislay your car keys, or find your happy mood evaporating, you may have a Mr. Nobody in your house too. He’s very good at snatching things he shouldn’t.



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