A Brand New Day

A Brand New Day

It was a good way to start a brand new day. I opened the blinds onto the deck this morning, and there was a bright red cardinal. He cocked his head, hopped over to a chair, then onto a deck railing, all the while gazing at me. Did he want to tell me something? He […]

It’s a Wild Life

It’s a Wild Life

Yesterday, we were blessed with missing the baseball-size hailstones that fell in parts of Arkansas. We had a thunderstorm, it blew over, then last night, a re-run. This time, I don’t think there was hail anywhere. So, my trusty camera and I (and Nemo, of course) in between storms, strolled through the back yard. We […]

Stormy Weather

Stormy Weather

The storm clouds drew closer. I was in the back yard and Peg was in her side yard and we talked over the fence. When an uncontrollable something threatens, friendships take on new meaning. We wished each other a safe night and talked about where in our houses were the safe places. We’d retreat there, […]

Nemo and the Squirrels

A Ballad I’m a noble watchdog, valiant and kind,                                                                                              […]

Soggy Saturday Thoughts

Soggy Saturday Thoughts

I look out of my window on the world (my own particular little corner) and see rain dimming the morning. Thunder booms, Nemo cringes, putting his paws on my leg, looking at me with questioning eyes. Sometimes a thunder shirt and soft jazz just don’t help all that much. I tell him that he’s fine, […]



Thunder, lightning, pouring rain–not Nemo’s kind of weather, although I like it. My furry buddy likes smooth jazz. With smooth jazz playing and wearing his thunder shirt, he calmed down. I can only imagine what a storm seems like to him. He doesn’t understand it, just reacts to hearing the loud but unseen noise of […]