Rattle of Ice

Ice rattles on leaves this morning as freezing rain falls. Of all winter weather, this is my least favorite kind. I wonder about the birds. Do they have thickets to hide in? I think a well-placed frozen raindrop on a feathered head just might do it in. There’s no wind. The trees stand stiff and […]

Owlbert Learns to Fly

Fly, Owlbert! Owlbert liked his dark, cozy home in the old oak tree. It was comfortable; it was warm. He slept all day and at night, Mama and Papa Owl brought him tasty morsels. What more could one small owl ask? “It’s time to learn to fly, Owlbert,” Mother owl hooted softly. “All little owlets […]

An Icy Grip

Yesterday, I buzzed here and there, getting ready for the predicted cold weather. Lawn chairs, patio table, hoses all went into the storage building and garage, outside faucets were wrapped, and bird feeders were filled.  A thunderstorm moved through around midnight, warm air protesting against frigid air crowding in. But, the cold won and this […]

Whatever the Weather

The morning is still dark and it’s nice to see the friendly lights from neighbors’ windows. I hope others find my lighted house to be the same. The weather is interesting. It has just started raining and there’s snow in the rain! So, what will the day be, weather-wise? We’ll just have to wait and […]

The Cozy Shivers

When my grandchildren were small, we sometimes entertained each other by making up stories. Such was the case one cold, winter day several years back. “Let’s tell scary stories,” I said. “OK,” they agreed. I went first. I thought I was doing pretty well, building up to an exciting and shivery climax. “Mem, that’s not […]

Moms, Daughters, and Mysteries

I’ve heard women say, “I don’t want to become my mother as I grow older.” What? How sad. If someone  tells me I’m like my mom, I consider it a huge compliment. My mother and I were best friends. I think you’d have liked her. If you never had that privilege, you can get just […]