Rattle of Ice

Ice rattles on leaves this morning as freezing rain falls. Of all winter weather, this is my least favorite kind. I wonder about the birds. Do they have thickets to hide in? I think a well-placed frozen raindrop on a feathered head just might do it in.

There’s no wind. The trees stand stiff and cold. Neighbors’ driveways shine with the frozen stuff. I’m thankful for a warm house and would wish the same for every person and animal. However, I’m sure this is not always the case.

This too shall pass and the rest of the week looks rainy but less inhospitable. We’ll make it through.



  1. So far we don’t have icy looking trees around here. However, the snow on the ground is slippery and hard, impossible to shovel. I’m hoping we don’t get the freezing rain predicted.

    • I’m glad you’ve missed the ice. We still have patches of snow around, but plain, normal rain this week will melt it.

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