Backyard Birds

Poem about Backyard Birds Six squirrels, some robins, a rabbit or two— My backyard resembles a wildlife zoo. Snowbirds, titmice, cardinals, and doves— Lots of pretty feathered friends that everybody loves. But, wait! What is the matter with this pushing, scolding pair? Those rude and raucous bluejays are not inclined to share. The jays are […]

What’s Behind the Facade?

Many of you will remember seeing old western movies with store buildings that had false fronts, making them appear much larger than they were. Let me tell you that people have false fronts too, sometimes without even being aware that they have them. For example, how many of you may be a secret cozy mystery […]

The Influence of Women

It is my belief that women throughout history have had an immense part to play in history. Women have exemplified strength and wisdom. One of my favorite biblical women is Abi, the mother of King Hezekiah. Hezekiah’s father was one of the most wicked kings Judah had ever known. Ahaz brought back the worship of […]

Who’s Listening Anyhow

What is there about the way a lot of people use cell phones that reminds me of the children’s story, Pinnochio? Well, let’s see now. Everywhere I go, whether I’m driving or shopping, I see people with phones stuck to their ears or, worse yet, texting. Wrecks happen, someone bumps into someone else or steps […]

Rattle of Ice

Ice rattles on leaves this morning as freezing rain falls. Of all winter weather, this is my least favorite kind. I wonder about the birds. Do they have thickets to hide in? I think a well-placed frozen raindrop on a feathered head just might do it in. There’s no wind. The trees stand stiff and […]

Owlbert Learns to Fly

Fly, Owlbert! Owlbert liked his dark, cozy home in the old oak tree. It was comfortable; it was warm. He slept all day and at night, Mama and Papa Owl brought him tasty morsels. What more could one small owl ask? “It’s time to learn to fly, Owlbert,” Mother owl hooted softly. “All little owlets […]