Therapeutic Snipping

Therapeutic Snipping

My back yard looks a whole lot neater. Yesterday, I wheeled my trusty wheelbarrow into position, took the snippers and started clipping and picking up and stacking. Dead wood, odd bits of tree limbs, a rose trellis that had seen better days, it all went into the wheelbarrow. Now, to get it to the curb […]

People From My Past

People From My Past

  It’s funny the way some simple thing will trigger a memory from long ago. This morning, as I measured water for the coffee pot, I remembered my junior high science teacher. (I told you it was long ago.) The thing I recall now, after all those years is Mr. Wasson’s gravelly voice and the […]

Critique, Coffee, and Chums

Critique, Coffee, and Chums

“Chums” is an old-fashioned word I don’t hear much any more. I’ve heard my mom talk about her school chums. Anyway, it means “friends” and Wednesday at 1:00, six of us chums were sitting around the dining table amid much laughter and talking. This is a neat group, serious about offering helpful suggestions but  always […]