February Fun

February babies have reason to celebrate. You share your birth month with Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan. Your birthstone is the lovely Amethyst and your flowers are the violet and primrose. If you had lived during the Victorian era, a gift of violets meant that you’d always be true. Primroses signified that […]

So Long, February

So Long, February

The last day of February. Where did it go? Did it just melt away with ice and the snow? So, if March comes in like a lamb tomorrow, will it go out like a lion? Snow is forecast for Friday. Does that count as March coming in like a lion, then, hopefully, going out like […]

Whether the Weather

Whether the Weather

Whether the weather turns cold or stormy or not, we have no control, and the best thing we can do is try to prepare. Rain last night, turning colder today, and possibly ice and/or snow tomorrow. One thing about it, it isn’t boring. For some reason, this very old children’s tale popped into my mind. […]

Frigid February?

Frigid February?

Is your birthday this month? A happy February birthday to you!  Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan also had birthdays this month, so you’re in good company.  Your birthstone is the lovely Amethyst and your flowers are the violet and primrose. If you had lived during the Victorian era, a gift of violets […]

Blue Sky of February

Blue Sky of February

Happy February! This short month comes in with a blue-sky, frosty morning, full of energy and hope. If you are lucky enough to have been born this month, your birthstone is amethyst and your flower is violet, symbolizing humility and faithfulness. However, you have more: irises and primroses. February’s child is determined, optimistic, creative and […]

Keep the Cold From Creeping In

Keep the Cold From Creeping In

  February is just one of those months! It’s winter.  It’s cold. Trees are bare. Grass looks like it has forgotten the word green. Of course, there are some bright spots–Presidents’ Day and Valentine’s Day and the dear old groundhog who’d probably still be sleeping if he weren’t pulled from his warm burrow to face […]