February Fun

February babies have reason to celebrate. You share your birth month with Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan. Your birthstone is the lovely Amethyst and your flowers are the violet and primrose. If you had lived during the Victorian era, a gift of violets meant that you’d always be true. Primroses signified that […]

An April Deep Freeze

An April Deep Freeze

Hard to believe, but earlier this morning, the thermometer registered twenty-eight degrees! I’m so glad I brought in all my wonderful flowers that I had stashed on the porch. Will this be the last freeze? I hope! April greets us with a bit of a cold shoulder, but she is actually a wonderful month. April […]

Celebrating 2020

Celebrating 2020

  Happy New Year and a glad start to the year 2020. An old saying is that whatever you do today you’ll find yourself doing all year. If you were born in January, your lovely birthstone is a garnet. Beautiful color! Your flower is a carnation which smells as sweet as anything I’ve ever smelled. […]

Stuff to Take With You into March

Stuff to Take With You into March

Did you know we’ve already had one full moon this month and it was called the Mouse Moon? There’ll be another this month, making it a blue moon. Its name? The Sap Moon. March abounds with weather lore, folklore, poems, fact and fiction. It’s an unreliable month, rather unstable as the seasons change from winter […]

While Driving Down the Street One Day

While Driving Down the Street One Day

While driving down the street one day in the merry month of May…I was taken by surprise by a sight that met my eyes. For a moment, it took my breath away! There I was, just driving down the busy street, watching traffic, and I met a man on a motorcycle. Nothing wrong with that […]