An Earful

Life with Nemo is a learning situation. He is basically a very healthy little guy but, having said that, he has become well acquainted with his favorite veterinarian throughout his long life. Yesterday was another visit to the clinic. When I got back from a short out of town trip Saturday, I noticed Nemo’s right […]

A Little of This and That

It’s raining this morning. Actually, it just started a few minutes ago but there’s thunder. Oh, dear! You know who is nervously hovering by my chair, don’t you? I wish I could explain to Nemo that it’s only noise and won’t hurt him, and I do explain; however, he doesn’t seem to believe me. Speaking […]

A Letter From Nemo in the Hospital

A Letter From Nemo in the Hospital

  Nemo hasn’t mastered the art of writing and doesn’t have access to a computer, but if he could, he might write something like this, this morning: So, here I sit! It’s an ok room, I guess, but it isn’t home. Everybody is nice and gentle, but, as I said, It isn’t home! I had […]

The Conclusion of the Drama of the Hurt Foot

The Conclusion of the Drama of the Hurt Foot

  At long last, the three-week injured foot challenge has ended happily! Yesterday, Nathan and I took Nemo back to his doctor for the stitches to be removed from his foot. If you’ll remember, he had a small growth on his foot. He was sedated, the growth removed, the incision sewed up, but that was […]