Ah! The Wonder of It

I’ve always been a shy person. I mean, bashful! When I was a child, I was sure I didn’t know the learned and sophisticated things other people knew, so I remained quiet, not to disclose my lack. But now–ah, the wonder of it! I am young no longer. In fact, I’m older than most people […]

Do We Speak the Same Language?

  Don’t you love it when you find someone who speaks the same language as you? I don’t mean language peculiar to any ethnic group, but people who have similar interests and enjoy talking about them. For example, history. I love history! Particularly, I love American history because America is my beloved country and I […]

Something Vile Is in the Wind

The Folgers Coffee is hot and strong, just the way I like it. My little dog Nemo dozes on the floor beside me. The noise of the interstate is a far-off hum. The train rumbles to a stop downtown but it is a distant, comforting sound.  Familiar sounds and rituals punctuate the morning but beneath it […]

Someone Other Than Yourself

Someone Other Than Yourself

Did you ever say something and, as soon as it was out of your mouth, wondered if that was you who said it? It sure didn’t sound like you; it sounded like someone else. Or, acted in a certain way and, looking back, couldn’t believe you had done that? Surely, it was someone other than […]