Ah! The Wonder of It

I’ve always been a shy person. I mean, bashful! When I was a child, I was sure I didn’t know the learned and sophisticated things other people knew, so I remained quiet, not to disclose my lack.

But now–ah, the wonder of it! I am young no longer. In fact, I’m older than most people I meet or with whom I come in contact. That has given me a boost of much needed confidence. Added to that, I’m now “Miss” Blanche. What an honor! 

So, when I hear something with which I don’t agree, I don’t mind saying so. After all, what do these young whippersnappers know? Have they lived many decades and traversed rocky hills and burning sands? Have they walked home from school through mounds of rounded snow and built a fire in the wood stove? Have they ridden a horse bare back while battling freezing winds? (Neither have I, but never mind.)

I love being this age. And, this is a wonderful age because there are so many things going on with which I disagree. And, you know what? I don’t mind saying so!


  1. A delightful commentary. It made me laugh. And I agree 100%.

  2. I admit that I speak more frankly now that in my younger years. I was also shy then.

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