What Did You Say?

What Did You Say?

I’ve been thinking a lot about words. Written, spoken, sung, words have sunk ships, started wars, promoted peace, and sealed agreements. They are powerful and, used wrongly, they can do tremendous harm.  I think that, sometimes, it’s not what is said as much as how it’s said that causes problems. Remember the story of the […]

Talk to Them

Talk to Them

This morning, I got up thinking about children and their importance. If you are fortunate enough to have children or grandchildren, nieces or nephews, let me assure you that they are more important than anyone or anything else in this world. We all love our kids, but sometimes in the rush and pressure of job […]

Someone Other Than Yourself

Someone Other Than Yourself

Did you ever say something and, as soon as it was out of your mouth, wondered if that was you who said it? It sure didn’t sound like you; it sounded like someone else. Or, acted in a certain way and, looking back, couldn’t believe you had done that? Surely, it was someone other than […]