Memories, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Memories, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

  Yesterday, I cleaned out a room in my house, throwing away things I’ve stuck back and have no use for. Why can’t we do that with our memories? Why can’t we just go through and discard what we don’t want and hang onto those that are priceless and dear? Why is that so very […]

The Secrets in the Summer Twilight

The Secrets in the Summer Twilight

  What is there about a soft, summer night, just after the sun goes down and before full darkness tiptoes through the town? Leaves stir with a passing breeze and flowers lift glistening blossoms to feel one last ray of the sun’s warmth.  The rabbit who lives under the storage building gives last minute instructions […]

Getting in Touch with an Old Tradition

by blanche manos · leave a comment (edit) Yesterday, my family and I kept up the yearly tradition of putting flowers on the graves of loved ones. Decoration Day is always the same Sunday every May and has been that way for generations. The beautiful little cemetery lies in northeast Oklahoma, surrounded by trees, gentle hills, and a creek […]

Gone the Way of the Dinosaurs

Gone the Way of the Dinosaurs

      They sit on my bookshelf, alone, neglected, and looking lonely. Once they were highly valued, a world of information at my fingertips. They are my beautiful set of World Book Encyclopedias. And, they are as out-dated as the dinosaurs. Why are they out-dated and unused? The internet, of course. Why go to […]

Coffee and a Cloudy Day

The last day of April is forecast to go out with a fanfare–a roll of thunder and heavenly lighting–lightning, that is. Right now, the sky is simply cloudy. But, the coffee is especially good this morning. Is there something about rain being in the forecast that enhances the taste of coffee?  Robins are busy outside […]

The Important Past of an Ill-Fated Character

The Important Past of an Ill-Fated Character

  Characters–the people within the pages of a story. They move the storyline along–the good ones, the bad ones, and those we never see. What? Those we never see? Yes. Take, for instance, Ben Ventris in The Cemetery Club. Without Ben, there would have been no story, no mystery, no reason for the book. But, […]