You Don’t Have to be Barmy, But…

You Don’t Have to be Barmy, But…

A person doesn’t have to be barmy to get along in this world, but sometimes it sure does help. The dictionary definition is a little too severe and rigid. To me, being barmy is having a sprinkling of the fairy dust of imagination, a bit of starlight in one’s eyes and a whimsical scattering of […]

The Computer, Nemo, and a Mystery

The Computer, Nemo, and a Mystery

What is there about this computer that Nemo doesn’t like? To be more specific, why is it, when I sit down to write, Nemo sits down beside me, stares at me, and jabs my leg with his nose until I get up and turn him outside in order to have some peace? Does he know […]

Three’s Company and In No Way a Crowd

Three’s Company and In No Way a Crowd

Yesterday, the company around the 100-year old table consisted of three people. As it turned out, not only Carolyn but also Nancy had schedules that conflicted with critique time. Peg, Jane, and I held down the fort. Time flew by as we discussed books, writing, launching a book, and poems. Jane has written a poem […]

Listening to the Tick Tock of the Clock

Listening to the Tick Tock of the Clock

    Sorry; we have to go to the doc. I’d be there if it weren’t for the clock.                                                                         […]

That Warm and Welcome Feeling of Friendship

That Warm and Welcome Feeling of Friendship

People generally feel a need to belong to a group, to experience friendship. Who doesn’t like a warm welcome when we visit in a home? And, the more we visit, the more at ease we feel and the more we look forward to our next visit. It seems to me that’s why so many of […]

Is It Morning Yet?

Is It Morning Yet?

Morning is here, but you couldn’t tell by looking. It’s dark! It’s rainy! Once again, Nemo looks up at me with apologetic eyes and says there’s no way he’s going out in a downpour. I explain that he could run out, do the necessary, dash back in and have a nice, crunchy bone as a […]