Coming to Grips with Life

Coming to Grips with Life

Yesterday, I attended a funeral and it was, as funerals are wont to be, sobering and reflective, and a tribute to the one who had lived life and moved on. This was of a young man I had watched grow up. As I listened to the songs and heard the eulogy, I remembered long ago […]

Who Are You, Really?

Who Are You, Really?

Does writing tend to call out the real person hiding inside some of us? Are you a closet writer? Who are you, really? The birthday of Robert Louis Stevenson was just a few days ago. His family wanted him to be a lighthouse keeper. He had other ideas and pursued those dreams. I’m very glad […]

Who Are You and Why?

Who Are You and Why?

Wind has swept the sky clean of clouds this morning, reminding me of the nursery rhyme, The Old Woman in a Basket. Without  re-printing the whole thing, let me say, the old woman was tossed up in a basket seventeen times as high as the moon. She carried a broom to sweep the cobwebs down from the […]