The Raven’s Long Shadow

“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.” – Edgar Allan Poe.    Long ago, I memorized The Raven. I was fortunate […]

What Is That Song I Hear?

What Is That Song I Hear?

  As times change–fashions, cars, viewpoints, so does music. Music and rhythm are at the core of our very existence. Think about it–the rhythm of days and night, of seasons, the weather. Even the way we walk and talk has a certain rhythm and every voice has some sort of musical quality. I’ve read that […]

Coffee, Three Women, a Cow, and a Pig

Coffee, Three Women, a Cow, and a Pig

Chewing her cud, Edith would answer, “No, that can’t be! I’m one of the finest milk cows you’ll ever hope to see. But, it doesn’t matter, Winnie, whether we are bovine or swine. If we ‘hang together as friends’, we’ll always be fine.”   Those lines are a part of the poem, Edith and Winnie, […]

Who Are You, Really?

Who Are You, Really?

Does writing tend to call out the real person hiding inside some of us? Are you a closet writer? Who are you, really? The birthday of Robert Louis Stevenson was just a few days ago. His family wanted him to be a lighthouse keeper. He had other ideas and pursued those dreams. I’m very glad […]

Critiquing Critters

Critiquing Critters

“We are sometimes like scientists discovering new ideas, doctors discussing alternative ways for treatment, critics with a gentle tongue and avid readers of all things written…but most of all…friends! and believe me, we know how to keep secrets!” This is what Jane said after our critique back on July 17. I’m pretty sure she still […]