The Key–Chapter Five

The Key–Chapter Five

Chris took a sip of coffee. “That’s good,” she said. “You make the best coffee, Val.” I smiled. “Thanks, but what do you make of it? Why on earth would my cousins do such a thing? It’s beyond me.” Chris lifted Miss Kitty onto her lap and frowned. “It’s a puzzle. Do you think these […]

The Key

Remember the mysterious little key I found the other day? No one knows what it may have unlocked, more than a hundred years ago, but guess what? It unlocked another cozy mystery. However, as my Cozy Critiquers will tell you, it’s sometimes hard for me to get the beginning of a mystery just right. This […]

A Moonlight Surprise

A Moonlight Surprise

Slipping from tree to bush, I walked as softly as my boots allowed. It’s funny how weird things looked at night, how lonely and hushed, as if the familiar landscape were an alien planet with no life on it except mine. I stopped in the shadow of the farmhouse and listened; no sound of pickax […]

A Really Neat Site

 This is such a neat site. Take a look. It lists all my books in the order they were written and gives a little run-down on the author. The site is attractive as well as being informative. Want to know what came first in the Darcy and Flora series or the Ned McNeil series? It’s […]

Deceptive and Dangerous

Deceptive and Dangerous

The ancient brick mansion looked as silent and still as a painting in the moonlight. Nothing and no one moved. But, the serenity of the Carver Mansion was only surface-deep. The secrets of the past had pervaded the estate, marking the inhabitant for terror or even murder. Was the tiny, fragile owner hallucinating when she […]

March or Madness or Both

March or Madness or Both

  This month, I’ll be highlighting my March mystery, Moonstruck and Murderous. March, that year, was different. For one thing, there were two full moons–a month of a blue moon–and everyone knows that anything can happen during a month like that. Just ask Pat, one of Ned McNeil’s closest friends. It all started when Ned […]