Monday Morning and a Mystery Solved

Monday Morning and a Mystery Solved

Yesterday morning and a small mystery: I was in the kitchen putting a quiche in the oven when I heard a loud, clanging bang. Was that the front storm door? Had I not fastened it well? As it turned out, it was the garage door. The cable that raises and lowers the door snapped and whacked against the metal door. Mystery solved! An overhead door mechanic is a necessity for today.

That all mysteries were so easily solved! Except, of course, those in cozy mystery books. They should be a little more intricate. Yesterday, in my Sunday School class, Sue told me, “I really like your books. My daughter gave me the first three at Christmas. I’ve got to get another one.”

Well! That’s music to my ears. My Sunday school class is a warm, welcoming place. We not only learn about and discuss God’s Word, we visit with each other. The visiting goes on before the class begins, of course. It’s great to gather around the tables, drink coffee, listen and learn.

An acrobatic squirrel

Sundays may not be all that special to the squirrels who live in my backyard or somewhere close by. Their main objective on any given day is food! They are voracious eaters, cheating the winter birds out of sunflower seeds. They can do a lot of damage with those sharp teeth and strong jaws. Their only redeeming quality is that they are cute and entertaining. They are also daring acrobats.

A squirrel’s morning

Today I plan to go to Ednalee, Oklahoma and sit around the table with Ned, Cade, Miss Ann, Pat, and Jackie. They too will be drinking coffee, just as I am this morning, and they will be discussing the happenings of the day before. Without telling you what those happenings were, let me say I was pretty well exhausted after writing them. But, the villain got his just desserts after a somewhat deadly fracas.

Wherever you go today, whether it’s actually moving from one place to another or simply traveling by way of a cozy mystery while you are tucked up in a comfortable chair at home, I hope your day is a happy one filled with pleasant happenings.

May the blessing of light be on you—
light without and light within.
May the blessed sunlight shine on you
and warm your heart
till it glows like a great peat fire.                                                                                                                                               (An old Celtic Blessing)



  1. Stephanie Hobrock says

    Sounds like Ned is getting closer to a visit to my house! Bangs and clangs here are usually due to two small felines!

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