The Raven’s Long Shadow

“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.” – Edgar Allan Poe.    Long ago, I memorized The Raven. I was fortunate […]

What Did You Say?

What Did You Say?

I’ve been thinking a lot about words. Written, spoken, sung, words have sunk ships, started wars, promoted peace, and sealed agreements. They are powerful and, used wrongly, they can do tremendous harm.  I think that, sometimes, it’s not what is said as much as how it’s said that causes problems. Remember the story of the […]

And, On That Note

Yesterday, I talked about words, their power, and the way we use them. On that note, I’d like to give my view of how these words many times are used to divide and infiltrate, to promote dissention and hatred.  Books, movies, news stories that concentrate on past wrongs, evils, shameful laws are supposed to be […]

What Did You Just Say?

Words! We speak them, write them, sing them. Words have terrific impact. Knowing that, why do some use ugly, nasty, dirty words? It’s sad to hear that words once thought of as gutter language and for which I’d have had my mouth washed out, are now common place utterances and nobody blinks an eye. On […]

Spinning Words

Where do they come from, those words that mystery writers spin into stories? Do we catch them like butterflies netted as they fly through the air? Do we snatch them from conversations of friends or winnow them from long ago memories? How can these words be spun into sentences and paragraphs and a story that […]

A Few Sizes Too Small

I just got to thinking about words. We use them every day. Written or spoken, we can’t get along without them. So, with all the beautiful words to choose from, why do some of us use ugly, degrading, base words? Is it to get a reaction? To show that we’re really up with the times? […]