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Words! We speak them, write them, sing them. Words have terrific impact. Knowing that, why do some use ugly, nasty, dirty words? It’s sad to hear that words once thought of as gutter language and for which I’d have had my mouth washed out, are now common place utterances and nobody blinks an eye.

Little Sand Lake by Missy Albrecht

On the other hand, some words are lovely in themselves. Vespers is one of those words. Vespers are prayers sung or said in the late afternoon or evening worship.  

So many beautiful words are out of date now; they are as old-fashioned as the horse and buggy. Nevertheless they are words that are rich in meaning and beauty. Words can be traced back to their beginnings and the era they represent. What words will this era be known for?

Words are used to persuade; they are used to antagonize. Words have a powerful impact on hearers. Words and the way they are said or written have changed history. There are many ways to say the same thing and get the message across. Words are powerful; we should think before we use them.


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