An Early June  Morning

An Early June Morning

What is there about an early spring morning before the sun comes up, when the grass is soggy with yesterday’s rain? Everything is hushed and listening for the robin’s song and the dove’s call to announce a new beginning. Leaves are still except when the whisper of a breeze stirs them. The wonder of it […]

And What Is So Rare As a Day in June?

And What Is So Rare As a Day in June?

Then, if ever, come perfect days…Yesterday was one of those rare, perfect days spoken of in the poem by James Russell Lowell. The weather was perfect and that set the tone for the day. I sat on the deck and began reading again, for the third or fourth time, The Red Lamp by Mary Roberts […]

While Driving Down the Street One Day

While Driving Down the Street One Day

While driving down the street one day in the merry month of May…I was taken by surprise by a sight that met my eyes. For a moment, it took my breath away! There I was, just driving down the busy street, watching traffic, and I met a man on a motorcycle. Nothing wrong with that […]

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Creature from the Black Lagoon

The sun is throwing long tree shadows across my neighbor’s house and lawn. An early morning jogger went past my window and the yellow and white cat is still out exploring. I overslept. The reason? I stayed up really late last night watching a 1954 black and white movie, “The Creature from the Black Lagoon.” […]