Do You See What I See?

Do You See What I See?

Syria’s king was out for blood. He was determined to defeat Israel but every time he set a trap for King Jehoram, God revealed the plan to the Prophet Elisha, who warned Israel’s king about each ambush. Syria’s king was puzzled and frustrated. How, he asked, did it always happen that Israel knew about and escaped his secret entrapments? It’s the […]

Do You Believe in Angels?

Syria’s king was out for blood. (II Kings 6) He was determined to defeat Israel but every time he set a trap for King Jehoram, God revealed the plan to the Prophet Elisha, who warned Israel’s king about each ambush. Syria’s king was puzzled and frustrated. How, he asked, did it always happen that Israel […]

Angels Watchin’ Over Me

Angels Watchin’ Over Me

Do You Believe in Angels? A friend and I were visiting yesterday. She was feeling discouraged and sad because of some things over which she had no control. She was worried but she is a Christian and was reminding herself that God knows her troubles. We all feel overwhelmed sometimes and have no idea which […]