Do You See What I See?

Do You See What I See?

Syria’s king was out for blood. He was determined to defeat Israel but every time he set a trap for King Jehoram, God revealed the plan to the Prophet Elisha, who warned Israel’s king about each ambush. Syria’s king was puzzled and frustrated. How, he asked, did it always happen that Israel knew about and escaped his secret entrapments? It’s the […]

Good Days, Bad Days

Good Days, Bad Days

This is the first day of school for many Arkansas children. Once again, I see them trudging up the hill, or hurrying along, backpacks in place, to catch the bus. It has been a long vacation, an enforced vacation, and it wasn’t all that great. I hope it is a good day for them and […]

This Philosophical Feeling May Be the Coffee

This Philosophical Feeling May Be the Coffee

Is it the coffee? Is it the heavy warmth of summer or is it just me? For whatever reason, I’m sitting at my computer feeling philosophical this morning. I’ve learned through the years that if one is quiet, prone to brief nods or slow eye blinks, tilts the head to one side and says, “Hmm,” […]