An Icy Grip

Yesterday, I buzzed here and there, getting ready for the predicted cold weather. Lawn chairs, patio table, hoses all went into the storage building and garage, outside faucets were wrapped, and bird feeders were filled.  A thunderstorm moved through around midnight, warm air protesting against frigid air crowding in. But, the cold won and this […]

Whatever the Weather

The morning is still dark and it’s nice to see the friendly lights from neighbors’ windows. I hope others find my lighted house to be the same. The weather is interesting. It has just started raining and there’s snow in the rain! So, what will the day be, weather-wise? We’ll just have to wait and […]

Day’s End

Day’s End

That First Hello

We’ve all heard, “First impressions are lasting impressions.” A writer works hard to create a good first impression when you, the reader, crack open her book. Below are beginning sentences from each of my cozies, which, hopefully, create a good first impression. Moonlight Can Be Murder: My car’s headlights cut a yellow swath through the […]


Sometimes when things start to get me down, broken water pipe, stopped up drain, etc., I go to the piano and play the old songs. I mean the really old songs, “I Was Seeing Nellie Home”, “Darling Nellie Gray”, “Mocking Bird Hill”, “The Tennessee Waltz”; then, the not quite so old songs, “Til I Waltz  Again […]

Nancy and Me and a Mystery

As a youngster, I learned many things from Nancy Drew besides what was on the pages of her books; I learned that Nancy was the kind of girl I would like to be.  Nancy was a magnet who attracted mysteries. To anyone else, clocks were clocks and staircases were just staircases, but not to Nancy […]