What Did You Mean When You Said Hello?

What Did You Mean When You Said Hello?

What Did You Mean When You Said, “Hello?” “What on earth are you talking about, Cub?” I asked the big, red-faced man who jumped off the seat of his dirt mover. “What did you mean there’s something in the well?”  The whole book is based on that question and Darcy wondering if it was Best […]

Cleaning Out and Throwing Away

Cleaning Out and Throwing Away

An old lean-to shed is attached to the back of my house. It was there when my husband and I moved into this house.  It looked decrepit then and it looks even more decrepit now. It is an eyesore. However, it is on the back of the house, not seen by many, and it has been a handy place […]

Once a Cozy Critter, Always a Cozy Critter

Once a Cozy Critter, Always a Cozy Critter

…even in Texas! Cozy Critter Judy is planning to move back to her home, which happens to be that great state of Texas! Yesterday’s meeting may have been her last at the old cherry wood table with the rest of us Critters. Jane wrote and framed a wonderful poem which included many of the things […]

Sauntering Through Saturday

Sauntering Through Saturday

This morning, thoughts flit through my mind sort of like moths around a light bulb. It’s winter. It’s cold. A possibility of freezing rain is in the forecast and I’m wondering if that forecast will become a fact. Then, thoughts of mysteries, my own and those of other people. Yesterday, I finished reading Moonlight Can […]

A Night of Peace

A Night of Peace

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11). “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men‘” (Luke 2: 13-14). […]

The Mysterious Malady of the TV

The Mysterious Malady of the TV

Thank you for your encouraging comments on yesterday’s blog posting. I am working on it and will try to have another installment tomorrow. Monday night, however, I had a real life mystery, albeit a small one. I was watching the news Monday night when suddenly, the TV went blank. I mean, no warning, no fading […]