A World-Wide Catastrophe

A World-Wide Catastrophe

  At last, the Ark was finished, food for Noah’s family and the animals was stored in the Ark, and Noah, his wife, his sons Shem, Ham, Japheth and their wives went into the Ark. The Bible says, “and the Lord shut him in” (Genesis 7:16). Then, the rain began. Rain fell for forty days […]

But, With All the Getting, Get Insight

But, With All the Getting, Get Insight

  I’ve been thinking a lot lately about sight. Not foresight or hindsight or second sight, but another of the sight family–insight. This may be the most important sight of all, because it’s next door to wisdom. We can have all the sights available and all the knowledge possible, but if insight is missing, the […]

The Things We Don’t See

The Things We Don’t See

Sometimes the things we don’t see are more real than the things we do see. Let me explain. When someone greets me and says, “Hello. How are you?” I realize they don’t really want to know that I found it hard to sleep last night, I have a leg ache, and several worries  just won’t […]

Coffee, Cookies, Critique, Friends

Coffee, Cookies, Critique, Friends

When friends get together with coffee and cookies, it’s a fun time. Throw in a rousing critique, mix with a lot of laughter, and you have a recipe for a very good day. We Cozy Critters have met when snow lay on the ground, when we had to dodge raindrops, when the wind was so strong it blew over Peg’s […]

Furry Wanderer

Furry Wanderer

He was the soul of optimism when he wandered into Richard’s shop several years ago. Optimistic because he was just a puppy and didn’t realize the extreme danger he had survived nor what a lucky little fellow he was. The first inkling Richard had of a visitor was when he felt something against his leg. […]

The Unexplained

The Unexplained

My son and I were talking the other day about noises we’ve heard in years past. These sounds were never explained, so make of them what you will. However, they really happened. So pour a cup of coffee and pull up a chair. One year, it was a very cold winter, a lot of Cherokee County […]