Whispers From the Past

Whispers From the Past

Delving into one’s ancestry is a fun and absorbing business. I’m finding out about ancestors from way, way back. Some of those finds are surprising. They are all fascinating. These people had stories and I, rooted in the present day, am listening, trying to hear what they had to say. They were from different parts […]

The Flowers They Leave Behind

The Flowers They Leave Behind

Jonquils are blooming, usually in clusters. Have you ever thought of them as footprints of others that they have left behind? They are signs that someone has passed this way and loved flowers and springtime. At Ben and Tep Willis’, out on the river, there are remnants, reminders of the family who settled here, set […]

In My Mother’s Bible

In uncertain times, we need an anchor, something unchangeable that we can cling to. It helps to have reminders that people have gone through hard times before now and survived. One of my nieces is interested in learning about family history. In trying to answer her questions, I turned to the place where our family […]

Highly Exalted Among Rulers

Hey, all you August people, did you know your birth month means highly exalted among rulers? It was named for the emperor Augustus, grand-nephew of Julius Caesar. So, lift up your heads and enjoy your month–it’s the last month of summer and is pretty nifty. Your birth stone is the lovely, green peridot. Your flowers […]

An Unsolved Mystery

An Unsolved Mystery

Several years ago, a dear cousin who lived in Georgia sent me this picture, hoping I could shed some light on the who, what, where, and when. Also, why. That was important too. My brother and I looked, magnified it, and looked some more. We even went to various cemeteries, trying to find grave stones […]

Respect and Remembrance

Respect and Remembrance

Respect and remembrance–two important words that sum up the history of Decoration Days at cemeteries.  The deck is wet with rain this morning, the morning is dark. A dove and a robin are trying to wake up the other birds with their songs, and I think back to yesterday and the annual observance of Decoration […]